Glan Gwna Holiday Homes Association

K. Morris Tel - 01925 490077 30 Frederick Street, Latchford, Warrington, WA4 1HX

GGHHA AGM Minutes (of meeting 23 Nov 03 issued 6 Feb 04)

Introductions were made by Bob - him and Betty have served 21 years on the committee, Steve has served three. At the first committee meeting AA Dixon, P Daniels and K Morris were asked to join and cover the membership and secretary roles. J Emanuel was asked to take on the role of treasurer after the accounts were audited. Karen was then asked to join the table. Minutes from the previous A6M were accepted, proposed by chalet 48 and accepted by chalet 114, no objections were raised.


Bob reported that communications with GGE have taken place over the lack of lighting and excess rubbish, reply indicates that this is due to the trees and will be addressed in the winter. GGE maintain that rubbish is collected weekly but that visitors or owners were in the habit of leaving bags at the side of the road. Insurance, CMS has a block policy and as insurance is mandatory a list is sent to GGE.

Karen reported that the role of membership secretary was beginning to shape up and offered apologies for any mistakes and made a request for more hands to help out. Jack suggested that all subscriptions should be paid direct to one source then misunderstandings could be avoided.

Steve reported on his investigations into electricity charges. The rules are as follows -

Chalet owners pay what the site pay and the standing charge is divided by all owners

After 12 months if any overcharge it should be repaid

He asked GGE for the bill and was told it was too complicated, GGE pay a higher than ordinary rate due to excessive usage. We can demand as owners to see the bill and establish the facts. Standing charge is already paid to GGE via the yearly fees. Concerns from the floor were raised about whether or not we were being overcharged and the action is to be continued, accuracy of meters could be questioned.

Jack reported that the accounts hove been audited and found to be okay, he was formally put forward to take on the role of treasurer, acceptance of accounts and role offered was proposed by chalet 114 and accepted by chalet 112, no objections were raised.

Item 4 - Bob again announced that he would like to stand down as chairman and would be happy to continue if someone would take on the role of vice-chairman. Nominations for more hands to help out were made - Mr A Mrs Green have agreed to take on the task of organising the AGM each year. Angela Reed 114, Mr Dolebo 271, Mr Shone 149 and Janet Blair 103 put themselves forward and a committee meeting will be held around March to gather them and anyone else who would like to help together.

Park - General state of the park and its facilities was discussed including the lack of entertainment especially for the children. New caravans are to be placed on the rock gardens on the road leading to the lake. Chalet owners facing these new caravans will be at a disadvantage as they will lose their only area to sit out and enjoy the weather. Jack will plan a return visit to the planners to check this out.

A query from chalet 6 about caravans on the village green was put before the table. No real facts known, letters were sent out from GGE offering owners other chalets. Number 6 don't want to move and wonder if the aim is to replace all the chalets with caravans.

Item 6 - The AGM could be moved date wise, it could be moved to March for example, but it was agreed in general that it should still be sited close to CMS. The football club provided good facilities and it was hoped it would be used again.

Item 7 - Web sites, Steve has agreed approach Tony about doing something official about GGHHA and the CMS web site.

Item 8 - Subscriptions, in future all subscriptions will be paid by individuals, this is easier for the membership secretary and CMS.

AOB - none raised

Meeting Closed