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Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers' Union in the Diocese of Hereford.

See also Facebook (Mothers' Union Hereford) and the Hereford page for Christenings and Baptism.

The Mothers’ Union Prayer
Loving Lord,
We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.
We pray for families around the world.
Bless the work of the Mothers' Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.
Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world.
In Jesus' name.

Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2022

All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2022 is
Transformation - Now!

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members and are usually at 2.30pm on the first Wednesday.

Branch committee contacts 2022 (pending AGM)
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe

4 MarWorld Day of Prayer
I Know the Plans I Have For You
27 MarMothering Sunday
17 AprEaster Sunday
9 AugMary Sumner Day
tbaMid-day prayers in Hereford Cathedral
5 JanEpiphany
2 Feb
2 MarAGM
6 Apr
4 May
1 Jun
6 Jul
3 Aug
7 Sep
5 Oct
2 Nov
7 Dec
Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2021

All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2021 is
Rebuilding hope and confidence

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members and are usually at 2.30pm on the first Wednesday.

Branch committee contacts 2021
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe

5 MarWorld Day of Prayer
14 MarMothering Sunday
4 AprEaster Sunday
8-10 JunWave of Prayer
9 AugMary Sumner Day
6 JanEpiphany Zoom
3 FebZoom...
3 Mar
7 Apr
5 May
2 Jun
7 Jul
4 Aug
1 Sep
6 Oct
3 Nov
1 Dec
Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2020

All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2020 is
Building hope and confidence

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members and are ususally at 2pm on the first Wednesday.

Branch committee contacts 2020
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe

Sun 22 MarMothering Sunday
Sun 12 AprEaster Sunday
Tue 28 JunQuiet Day, Leominster
8-10 JunWave of Prayer
Tue 29 SepQuiet Day, Leominster
8 JanRev Robert Ward
5 FebProgramme planning
4 MarPlan Service for Mothering Sunday
1 Apr
6 May
3 Jun
1 JulTea time in the garden
5 Aug
2 Sep
7 Oct
4 Nov
2 Dec
Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2019

All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2019 is
Listen, observe, act – in step with God

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members.

Branch committee contacts 2019
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe

??? 25 MarLady Day
Sun 31 MarMothering Sunday
???8-10 JuneWave of Prayer
Thu 8 AugMary Sumner Day
Thu 14 NovMidday Prayers at Cathedral; Cradley, Mathon & Storridge
15 Jan2019 New Year supper at Staplow
12 FebProgramme planning
12 MarFinalise Service/Mothering Sunday
9 AprBible reflection
14 MayFamilies today quiz and discussion
11 JunEdie. The Film followed by discussion
9 JulTea time in the garden
13 AugThe Difference we make
4 Sep, 2pmFrom Russia (with love). A talk by Julia. Choose a book for discussion.
8 Oct?Robert, title to be arranged
12 Nov?Book club
10 Dec?Praying with St Brigid. Sharing supper!
14 Jan2020 Celebrating Epiphany

Branch Leader's Report for 2018


Branch committee contacts 2018
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe
Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2018

Meetings are usually held at 7.30 pm,
at a members house,
on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2018 is
In Mary Sumner's footsteps

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members.

Sun 11 MarMothering Sunday
Mon 9 AprLady Day, Colwall
Thu 9 AugMary Sumner Day
Thu 11 Oct Midday Prayers at Cathedral; Cradley, Mathon & Storridge
9 Jan2018 New Year Supper
13 FebProgramme planning
13 MarMeeting with the Lent group
10 AprInspired?
8 May
12 Jun
10 Jul
14 Aug
11 Sep
9 Oct
13 Nov
11 Dec
8 Jan2019 Celebrating Epiphany

Branch Leader's Report for 2017


Branch committee contacts 2017
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe
Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2017

Meetings are usually held at 7.30 pm,
at Little Westfields Cottage,
on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2017 is
Faith in Action

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members.

Sat 25 MarLady Day
Sun 26 MarMothering Sunday
Mon 27 MarLady Day, Leominster priory
Wed 9 AugMary Sumner Day
Thu 12 OctMidday Prayers at Cathedral; Cradley, Mathon & Storridge
10 Jan2017 Celebrating Epiphany, supper meeting
14 FebProgramme Planning
14 MarLent meeting
11 AprAGM
9 MayFamilies First Evening (discuss your favourite article)
13 JunBBQ at Eryl & Tony's
11 JulVisit to be arranged
8 AugMary Sumner reflections
12 SepTalk by Robert (subject to be decided)
10 OctInspired at
14 NovWomen in the Bible
12 DecChristmas Social
9 Jan2018 New Year Supper
13 Feb 

Branch Leader's Report for 2016


Branch committee contacts 2016
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe
Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2016

Meetings are usually held at 7.30 pm,
at Little Westfields Cottage,
on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2016 is

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members.

Sun 6 MarMothering Sunday
Mon 4 AprLady Day
Thu 14 JulDiocesan Festival Eucharist (140th anniversary of MU)
Tue 9 AugMary Sumner Day
Thu 11 AugMidday Prayers at Cathedral; Cradley, Mathon & Storridge
12 JanProgramme planning
9 FebSupper meeting at The Seven Stars, Ledbury
8 MarLent talk at Storridge Village Hall, Sam Ashton
12 AprThe Dean, Rev, Michael Tavinor. Colwall invited.
10 MayJulia's adventures!
14 JunAGM tea party
14 JulDiocesan Festival Eucharist (140th anniversary of MU)
9 AugMary Sumner day
13 SepA Homestart speaker
11 OctMargarite Moutoya, missionary
8 NovRev. Robert Ward
13 DecFive minutes of fame
10 JanCelebrating Epiphany
14 Feb2017 AGM

Branch Leader's Report for 2015

Our AGM was held on June 14th 2016 at Stiffords Bridge House and the following are informal brief notes on the meeting and the decisions we made.

Eryl opened with a prayer suitable for the occasion;

Dear Lord,
We thank you that you that you have been with us for the last month since our last meeting, and that you are with us now.
We thank you for this small Mothers' Union group and pray that you will give us inspiration to continue and allow us to openly share what we have in our hearts.
We pray that you will fill us with courage and give us your peace.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

Julia and Ann had sent their apologies.

We had already had the treasurers’ report but revisited briefly and the accounts were adopted and the election of an independent examiner was discussed.

Adoption of the accounts was proposed by Sheila and seconded by Sue B.

John S as our examiner was proposed by Eryl and seconded by Sheila.

A report was read by Eryl who referred to one that was available for the PCC (** see below) and another one which was relevant to our meetings.

In 2015 we had a variety of meetings mostly interesting but the downside for me is the low number of members that we have I find it very depressing and with the best will in the world we seem unable to encourage new members. I strongly feel that we have to make changes and the first being change of leadership. I have now done it for years and it’s long overdue that someone else took it over. We will discuss this in aob.

In brief we enjoyed our theatre trip to see The Lupin very much, I am of the opinion that a theatre outing is a positive experience, we were joined by some of our husbands and the Rector.

The Young Peoples work team came to talk to us and were inspiring but what they did and suggested was more appropriate for urban areas.

Sadly we were unable to have a talk as planned by our member Di Hames about her visit to Peru on her Special birthday, as she was too busy. Unfortunately she has since died and we miss her in our group.

We enjoyed a talk by the lady who runs Shortwood Farm and were able to have a small collection for which she was grateful.

Sheila's service in Cradley for her retirement as Diocesan President was enjoyable and we presented her with a small gift to remind her of the occasion.

We finished the year with our rector Robert preparing us for Advent.

After much discussion ref. election of officers which are currently the same as last year sensibly some of the responsibilities of the leader have been shared at last, a good move.

Sheila is to arrange the calendar of members to give the opening prayer and short reading. We have done it this way in the past and recently but with such few members and erratic attendance this system did not really work in my opinion however it was decided to try again.

Sue B is keen to take on the marketing aspect of MU and is going to be looking into this with the aim of writing a monthly piece for the local newsletter. Eryl is going to continue with her school link. So we will be working on this as a small team.

Ann wished to resign as treasurer but no one was willing to take it on. This will be discussed with Ann.

We decided that we should donate 100 pounds from our account to AFIA.

Eryl continues as leader but with parts of the role now shared much to her relief!

Next Meeting is on THURSDAY JULY 14TH our DIOCESAN FESTIVAL EUCHARIST in HEREFORD CATHEDRAL not the Tuesday of that week as usual.

Mary Sumner Day is on TUESDAY AUGUST 9TH which is our meeting date. I suggest we have that meeting to discuss further actions. My apologies in advance.

MIDDAY PRAYERS at HEREFORD CATHEDRAL on THURSDAY AUGUST 11TH. Again I am away and need a volunteer to lead and write the prayers as I have written them now for years as Sheila did before me. I have my copies if anyone needs them .

Next AGM is on FEBRUARY 14TH 2017.


** extract from PCC report:

There is an active branch of the Mothers’ Union in the benefice which meets each month, and currently has 13 members with hopefully two new members in the near future.

A very successful Christingle service was held in 2015, the Mothers’ Union having prepared all the resources, at which £300 was raised for the Children’s Society.

The Mothers’ Union also serves coffee after the main Sunday morning service at least once each month, and on the last Thursday of each month helps host a coffee morning in the Community Room at The Leys, a sheltered housing complex in Cradley. Invitations are sent out in advance to all residents, many of whom are elderly, and whilst there are many “regulars”, we always like to welcome new residents. All the refreshments are donated and no charge is made, lately some ladies bring along home made cakes and biscuits. The Rector occasionally drops in as, from time to time, do officers of the Housing Association and the local Community Support Officer. This year residents of The Leys were taken to the school for a concert put on by the whole school on the last week of term, and very much enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies which were served. They were treated to a rendition that had been prepared for a music festival. The school is very keen to have more contact with The Leys working through Mothers’ Union as part of their community project, and the leader has been talking with them about the ideas that they have.

Members of both the Mothers’ Union and the Local Ministry Group also help at the toddler group in Storridge. The leader has recently had a meeting with a few of the mums involved in the toddler group and the Friends of Cradley School about either starting a new informal Mothers’ Union group of their own or being part of the existing one (which would need to change to the afternoon occasionally), and she will go to their next committee meeting to talk about Mothers’ Union.

Branch committee contacts 2015 (tbd AGM)
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe
Diocesan President Sheila Mullaney

Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2015

Meetings are usually held at 7.30 pm,
at Little Westfields Cottage,
on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2015 is
United in Prayer

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members.

Mon 23 MarArchdeaconry services for Lady Day, 2pm St Mary's, Ross
Thu 23 AprQuiet Day at Leominster Priory
8-10 JunWave of Prayer week
Sun 9 AugMary Sumner Day
Thu 13 AugMidday Prayers, Cathedral Cradley, Mathon & Storridge
13 JanProgramme planning
21 JanSupper meeting at The Seven Stars, Ledbury
10 FebAGM and Prayer Chain
10 MarLent talk at Cradley Village Hall "Christianity and the Arts"
14 AprYoung People's Work Team
12 May"The Lupin", theatre visit - Father/son relationships
9 JunJonathan Rendall
14 JulTea party
11 AugPrayer - led by Robert Ward
8 SepDi in Peru
13 OctSend a cow - Shortwood Farm
10 NovPresidents retirement
8 DecAdvent - Robert Ward
12 JanCelebrating Epiphany, supper meeting

Branch Leader's Report for 2014

Well another year has gone by and we have had some very enjoyable evenings; due to various things being cancelled in the programme, speakers unable to come or our numbers too small for some speakers to come to us, we have had greater opportunities for group discussion about a variety of topics and they have been productive.

Returning to the planned programme we had a lovely supper at the Seven Stars postponed until February due to awful weather but enjoyed by all. Our March meeting was our Lent meeting in Mathon with Carl Attwood talking about Faith in Local Politics. Enough said! We had our delayed AGM in March followed by a Lent meeting in April on Complimentary Medicine by Jon Critoph, not what I expected but quite interesting none the less. They were both well attended by Mathon and Cradley residents and parishioners, sadly not many M.U. members.

The Poetry evening proved quite entertaining as we all clearly have different tastes which made it interesting. As I am away in the Summer I rely on others to report back, all was good and the picnic although wet at times, enjoyed by all.

Andria Lewis came to talk to us about AFIA, she was very interesting, a good speaker. Our talk for Oct. was cancelled as Tuesday was no longer suitable for the speaker so we had a lively discussion instead. After discussing with a person from Homestart her talk for Nov. we decided it might be better postponed as our numbers were to be so low on that particular night. Homestart were very keen to speak with us.

Robert led a very good Advent meeting, having read a chapter from a book an interesting choice which he followed with prayers. It suited all of us and was much appreciated.

I have attended two or maybe three meetings at Kimbolton. The last one proved interesting called Meet and Share, the focus being Where do we go from here? We shared what works for us, programme planning, discussion, workshops. I felt that most branches are in the same boat but when we discussed our programmes my group really liked the variety and new ideas we had, theatre trips etc. The majority were quite heavy going with leaders wanting to move on but members unwilling to do so, of course there is room for both and we must not lose sight of the ethos of M.U.

We continue to be able to support by donating to Crisis intervention etc and some of us donate items for the homeless. Hereford Hospital wash-bags are still in the making as is AFIA.

Of course this year we had an exciting opportunity to meet Lynne Temby our World Wide president a delightful lady very approachable and natural. I seemed to spend a lot of time with her in various places and it was my pleasure to accompany her and Sheila to school where she greatly enjoyed the children singing for her, she joined in as she was very familiar with one of their songs. I know Sheila enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with her and it is thanks to Sheila that she came. So thank you Sheila for that and all you do for Mothers' Union, I know you are so busy and your commitment to M.U. is greatly appreciated. Lady Day at the cathedral with all the banners was really quite moving and had great support.

Talking of the cathedral we had  our annual prayer slot in the Lady Chapel, it seems a pity that so few people go but everyone who does so enjoys our prayers including members of the public passing by.

Thank you for your support this year as times have not been the best for me but I am always grateful that my God and yours guides me and enables me to carry on in my random fashion! EC

Branch committee contacts 2014
Leader Eryl Copp
Treasurer Ann Howe
Diocesan President Sheila Mullaney

Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2014

Meetings are usually held at 7.30 pm,
at Little Westfields Cottage,
on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome to attend.

The theme for 2014 is
Sowing the future together

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members.

Tue 25 MarLady Day service at Cathedral, 2pm
Thu 8 MayCMS lead midday prayers at Hereford Cathedral
Thu 3 JulLedbury Deanery Festival at St James, Colwall, 2.30pm
Wed 16 JulQuiet Day
Sat 9 AugMary Sumner Day
14 JanCelebrating Epiphany (POSTPONED)
11 FebCelebrating 2013. Supper meeting at Ledbury
11 MarFaith in local politics, Carl Attwood (Lent talk).
13 Mar AGM at Stiffords Bridge House.
8 AprFaith in complementary medicine, Jon Critoph (Lent talk).
13 MayPoetry evening. Bring along your favourite poem or piece of prose.
10 Jun'Families First', my favourite article.
8 JulStrawberry Tea.
9 AugMary Sumner Day picnic at Hereford.
9 SepAFIA talk by Andria Lewis.
14 OctSpeaker Elizabeth Davis, ex-governor of young offenders unit.
11 NovThe Family, speaker from Homestart
9 DecAdvent, Rev Robert Ward.
13 JanCelebrating 2014.

Branch Leader's Report for 2013


Branch committee contacts 2013
Leader Eryl Copp
Secretary tbd
Treasurer Ann Howe
Diocesan President Sheila Mullaney

Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2013

Meetings are held at 7.30 pm,
usually at Little Westfields Cottage,
on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome to attend.

The theme this year is
The Seeds we sow

Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.
All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members.

Mon 10 JunDiocesan Council, St Peter's, Ludlow
Wed 12 JunMU AGM, Bath
Wed 7 AugQuiet Day, Hennor
Mon 30 SepInvitation day at Kimbolton Village Hall
Sat 12 OctCoffee Morning throughout the Diocese
Mon 14 OctDiocesan Council, St Peter's Ludlow
Thu 14 NovMidday Prayers at Hereford Cathedral (Cradley)
8 JanIn celebration of Epiphany at The Bell, Bosbury!
12 FebAGM (postponed)
12 MarLent Meeting
9 AprDelayed AGM "Spring Clean", where do we go from here?
14 MayDiscussion "The Seeds we sow..."
11 JunDonna Jones, deputy head at Cradley School, at Stiffords Bridge House.
tbdVisit to Queenswood Arboretum
9 JulKeith Harmer, "Child Contact Centre"
13 AugSpeaker, "Open the Book"
10 SepSpeaker, The Ledbury Food Bank
8 OctDiscussion at Stiffords Bridge House (swap)
12 OctCoffee Morning
12 NovJill Salmons, "Visit to Madagascar" (was Oct)
10 DecPreparation for Advent led by Revd Robert Ward
14 Jan2014 Celebrating Epiphany

Branch Leader's Report for 2012

In addition to the programme we planned a very successful Women's World Day of Prayer in Cradley Church and continue to organise monthly 'Coffee Stops' at The Leys, and also monthly coffee in church which will continue into the future.

Some of us help at the toddler group in Storridge and at the Nursery at Cradley School where I hope in 2013 to have early coffee mornings for young parents on a regular basis.

We continue to meet monthly but sadly our numbers are not increasing in number, only in age. We continue trying but are facing a lack of interest.

We are excited that Sheila Mullaney is a member of 'our group' and look forward to the year ahead.

Branch committee contacts 2012
Leader Eryl Copp
Secretary Di Roberts
Treasurer Di Roberts
Ledbury Deanery Chairperson Sheila Mullaney

Cradley, Mathon & Storridge Mothers’ Union
Programme for 2012

Meetings are held at 7.30 p.m.
on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Your Gifts – Discover and Celebrate
All are welcome to attend.
Mothers' Union is a Christian organisation - everything we do is an act of faith.

A Time for Everything

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot"
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

All our meetings start with a prayer and a relevant reading chosen by individual members.

14 Feb A.G.M. – planning Women’s World Day of Prayer service 2nd March.
13 Mar the Lent Talk in Cradley Village Hall
10 Apr Dawn’s travels.
8 May Chinese cultures and costumes, a talk by Jill Salmons, at Lower Vinesend Farm.
12 Jun ‘Strawberry Sparkle’, a Mothers’ Union open invitation tea party is POSTPONED. 7.30PM meeting at Christine's as normal.
10 Jul ‘DIY – Seeing Red’, a topical discussion based on Christian values.
14 Aug No evening meeting
18 Aug Afternoon visit to Spetchley Park Gardens and Tea room. Details from Di on 880647
11 Sep What Mothers’ Union means to me, a discussion with a leader.
9 Oct More English China, a talk by Mel assisted by Robert.
13 Nov OPEN MEETING, Hereford's Community Larder, a talk by Jackie Boys.
11 Dec An Advent Devotion, led by Robert Ward.
8 Jan 2013In celebration of Epiphany.

Branch Leader's Report for 2011

Having had another year as leader of our M.U. group, it is time to reflect both on what has been, acknowledge the present and look forward with hope to what might be, for us as individuals and for the branch.

We have all, no doubt, had highs and lows in 2011 but these are accompanied by support and prayers (be they shared or silent) from fellow members and I believe that our support for each other grows as we more readily share together our concerns.

I shared with Robert recently my views on M.U. and said that if I was asked to identify one area that has developed the most it would be sharing with each other. We have become more at ease in our discussion and more comfortable in each other's presence.

Although we know that we are a Christian organisation, and everything we do should be an act of faith, it is difficult for that to be apparent to others.

What do we do about this?

I think our programme, being a mixture of both secular and religious meetings, have been interesting in 2011 and hope that 2012 will be inspirational in one way or another.

As we know, we meet monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 7.30pm in Christine’s home. There are changes ahead of us and perhaps now is the time to consider other options. Should we have an afternoon group for young mums at school, once a month, whilst continuing with our evening meeting at a different venue when necessary?

Should we be more visible in the community, probably wearing our M.U. badge with pride?

Perhaps we need to leave our comfort zone occasionally and face new challenges whatever they might be?

I don’t have any answers to my own questions but hopefully you have and these will be shared so that we can develop.

Finally, I recently read “It is not the M.U. who has a mission in the world, but it is the God of Mission who has the M.U.”


Programme for 2011

8 February A.G.M. followed by “Roses are red, Violets are blue…”. Make a card & hear about St. Valentine.
8 March Outing to Malvern Theatre.
10 March Hereford Cathedral prayers
12 April Marriage or Wedding? Discussion.
10 May Bye, buy children – video.
14 June “More tea Vicar?”, an Ascot tea party including making a hat.
12 July In an English country garden – visit.
9 August Discussion / Deanery service.
13 September Training dogs for the blind
11 October Rev. Robert Ward
13 October Deanery prayers
8 November Noah’s Ark Trust – a charity supporting bereaved children and their families
13 December A Christmas Celebration

Programme and Report for 2010

9 February A.G.M. and planning
9 March “Relationships, not rules” Discussion
13 April “The Denman Experience” led by Christine Abbott
11 May “God of Surprises” led by Pam Noel & Eryl Copp
8 June Marion Percy
13 July Summer Soiree
10 August Jo Cross, “Regional development officer for the Churches Conservation Trust.”
14 September “Society for the Assistance of Ladies in Reduced circumstances” John Sands.
12 October Revd. Robert Ward
9 November Advent wreaths
14 December Carols, mince-pies and instruments!


Wow, our coffee morning on October 16th raised £165, thanks to all who supported us, and to Julia for hosting the event.  MU, like all organisations, is “feeling the pinch” and unfortunately cut backs have had to be made, however, we are a determined lot willing to do our share.

As a branch we continue to thrive, much to our delight, my vision has always been that we would aim to be less dull, formal and boring, words in the past that have been used to describe MU nationally. We all have Christian roots and values, a necessity to belong. Flexibility must now be the key word, we need to be broader in our encouragement of new members countrywide, both age and gender, single or partnered.

We have a notice-board in Cradley Church with all the information you need to make contact and to learn about events. We are always open to new ideas; we aim to be supportive and are willing to participate in most local events. We need to spread our wings and be involved. Use us!


Mothers’ Union continues to thrive. A theatre trip in March to see “Blood Brothers” – much enjoyed, was followed by Christine Abbotts “Denman Experience”. John Sands enlightened us about “The Society for the Assistance of Ladies in Reduced Circumstances”, an interesting talk about something we knew little about. Marion Percy gave us a talk about Mary Sumner, who founded Mothers’ Union. She is collecting articles about her early life and family. A soiree was held indoors, Tony as usual cooked in a deluge! Thanks Tony.

We were involved in the Village Fair – a Wedding Belles exhibition in the Church with selected verses and rhymes, and we have been raising funds for the “Marriage Rose Bed” outside the Church porch. A permanent plaque is to be put up soon. The aim was to complete the planting for the fair, which was achieved thanks to Di & Mike Hames and others. Contributions are still being collected – call 01886 880650.

The flower bed just outside the Church porch is based on the theme of “Love & Marriage”, and has been sponsored by Cradley, Mathon and Storridge Mothers’ Union. The M.U. vision is of a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.

There is a Mothers’ Union notice board at the back of Church, on it you will find various pieces of information both local and world-wide. Do have a look, as most people have no idea what Mothers’ Union is all about. As a ‘bunch’ we enjoy our meetings and we have been known to laugh a lot!

June - Mother’s day service


Another year has passed and on reflection an interesting and enjoyable one. We shared Mike & Di Hames’ “gap year adventure” (or was it just six months) during our February and March meetings. Incidentally having a gap year in “later life” is now the thing to do, so backpacking for the baby boomers is in!

The Leys Coffee Stop began in April and has continued to thrive. Do remember they are from 10-11.30am on the last Thursday of each month. In November Cradley School Choir came along and both children and adults enjoyed the morning; hopefully they will come again.

We went on what has become our annual theatre visit to see “Spiders’ Web” at Malvern and by the time this has been put in print we will have been to see “Blood Brothers”.

We heard from a volunteer at GEAR (Gloucestershire Emergency Accommodation Resource), an organisation supporting the homeless, which proved to be very informative and interesting. Currently, at the back of Cradley Church, we are collecting tins of meat and veg. for the homeless in Hereford, so do place any spare tins that you have in the box; they will be taken to a collection point and be greatly appreciated.

If we were interested in delving into our family history then we had an evening which put us on the right path. We enjoyed our BBQ indoors, the bonus being that it allowed Tony to cook in his life jacket – let it never be said that the weather puts us off! We discussed the issue of “Safeguarding Children” and had a talk by a guide from Gloucester Cathedral.

Sheila Mullaney, one of our members, is now one of the four Diocesan vice-presidents of the Mothers’ Union. We wish her well in her new role. To our delight in December we welcomed three new members and as is true to form celebrated by going out to lunch. A truly memorable and happy occasion.

Where do we go from here? Well, we have an interesting programme for 2010 including talks, discussions, outings and yes, the usual Summer Soiree, hopefully not in the rain. If you need to see the full programme look at the Mothers’ Union page on the Cradley website. If you are interested in coming along to test the water do contact any member of the Mothers’ Union


Another year has passed and on reflection an interesting and enjoyable one. We shared Mike & Di Hames’ “gap year adventure” (or was it just six months) during our February and March meetings. Incidentally having a gap year in “later life” is now the thing to do, so backpacking for the baby boomers is in!

The Leys Coffee Stop began in April and has continued to thrive. Do remember they are from 10-11.30am on the last Thursday of each month. In November Cradley School Choir came along and both children and adults enjoyed the morning; hopefully they will come again.

We went on what has become our annual theatre visit to see “Spiders’ Web” at Malvern and by the time this has been put in print we will have been to see “Blood Brothers”.

We heard from a volunteer at GEAR (Gloucestershire Emergency Accommodation Resource), an organisation supporting the homeless, which proved to be very informative and interesting. Currently, at the back of Cradley Church, we are collecting tins of meat and veg. for the homeless in Hereford, so do place any spare tins that you have in the box; they will be taken to a collection point and be greatly appreciated.

If we were interested in delving into our family history then we had an evening which put us on the right path. We enjoyed our BBQ indoors, the bonus being that it allowed Tony to cook in his life jacket – let it never be said that the weather puts us off! We discussed the issue of “Safeguarding Children” and had a talk by a guide from Gloucester Cathedral.

Sheila Mullaney, one of our members, is now one of the four Diocesan vice-presidents of the Mothers’ Union. We wish her well in her new role. To our delight in December we welcomed three new members and as is true to form celebrated by going out to lunch. A truly memorable and happy occasion.

Where do we go from here? Well, we have an interesting programme for 2010 including talks, discussions, outings and yes, the usual Summer Soiree, hopefully not in the rain. If you need to see the full programme look at the Mothers’ Union page on the Cradley website. If you are interested in coming along to test the water do contact any member of the Mothers’ Union.


Just to remind you that “Mothers’ Union” is open to males and females, parents or not, provided that they have been baptised and support the aim of the Mothers’ Union.

Q. What is the aim, I hear you say?

A. In brief, to demonstrate Christian Faith through the nurture of the family in its many forms

Q. Why should I want to join?

A. You need to answer that question. What do you have to offer? Your contribution will be valued and you will receive much in return.

Q. Is there a theme for the year 2008?

A. Yes, the national theme for M.U. is “Time for Relationship”; those in families, in our communities, in our place of work but most importantly that which we have with God.

I am the new leader of this branch of M.U. and we as a group are anxious to “move on”. Contrary to some fixed attitudes we are not a group of grumpy old women, or men for that matter. We hope to share fellowship, friendship, ideas, prayers and share fun and laughter together. The current programme has been arranged by Sue Bailey based on the theme. We thank her, Sheila and Christine for their hard work over the last few years. Di Roberts replaces Sheila as Branch Secretary, Christine continues to be treasurer.

In future we want to develop a programme that appeals to prospective new members with events that will be stimulating, thought provoking and enjoyable. Sounds simple doesn’t it? But it’s not!

We are going to re-invent the notice board at the back of church, make it inter-active, hoping for participation. Use the post it notes! We need new members in order to grow and change the view people have of the M.U.

Watch this space!

Eryl Copp

“Help us to fulfil our calling and to care for one another in an unselfish fellowship of love, and to care for the world around us sharing with it, your love through encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.” Amen.


This year has been somewhat quiet with regard to speakers, we have in total had three. Attendance at meetings has averaged nine members out of a possible thirteen. We have had a visitor namely Jane's mum and we also admitted two new members including our Rural Dean the Rev. Mike Vockins.

Our October meeting after the general business had been dealt with was an Evening of poems, readings and quotes. We were also invited to host the coffee for the Annual Flu Jabs in the British Legion Hall by the Surgery.

November saw us discussing "Mary in the New Testament i.e. Mary Mother of Jesus, Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus and finally Mary Magdalene. The fact that in the C of E we almost ignore Mary and perhaps if we showed more devotion to her this might add femininity of the traditional masculinity of God. We also were asked to decide whether we were a Mary or a Martha and finally whether Mary Magdalene not only loved Jesus but was in love with him. December saw us enjoying mince pies and wine at the home of Christine.

January again saw us meeting at the home of Christine, in anticipation of inclement weather. Our speaker for the evening was the Rev. Hamish Maclagon who had spent many years as Padre to the armed services. A most enlightening talk was enjoyed.

In February instead of a regular meeting Sheila hosted the Sermon Supper for Sam Ashton, five members plus one visitor enjoyed fish pie and pancakes with Sam and Jerry. Members were reminded that there would be no meeting in March due to the Lent discussions, but in April the discussion would be Peace and Reconciliation and is it possible to know true peace even in anxiety, pain and suffering. Should there be a limit to our forgiveness and should we be peacemakers?

May saw us discussing the Role of Women within the church today, emphasis being on the controversial subject of Women Bishops, which is due to be discussed by General Synod later in the year. There was no meeting as such in June as we were invited to meet with Colwall MU to listen to Kathy Priddis our Bishop's wife and her Personal Journey through Painting and Spirituality.

July was in-house speakers when Christine and Sheila gave a very animated talk accompanied by pictures of their visit to Turkey and the Seven Churches of Asia, tracing the footsteps of St. Paul. August being our "month-off" we all went out to supper at The Royal Oak, Bromyard where we enjoyed a very pleasant meal with convivial company.

We have continued to have our regular coffee mornings in church and have also continued our support via our Sunshine Bucket and proceeds from the coffee mornings for AFIA. Overseas, CWYSI and of course Count Your Blessings. We have also continued the giving of Baptismal Cards and posies of flowers at the Baptism service, these always contain an invitation to join us at our meetings.

Finally contact with our Australian link namely Betty continues to be a source of interest and information, they seem to do so much more than we do, considering their ages and the distances that they have to travel to their meetings.

Sheila Mullaney - Secretary.

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